The year is racing by and we are coming up to our annual meetings — on March 9 for St Paul’s and on March 23 for the parish. Reflecting on the past year, we have had many events large and small, services and a considerable presence in the community. This time last year we were busy preparing for the dedication of the replacement war memorial arch and this week we have seen the addition of some steel along the edges of the seats. This is to protect the edges as there has already been some damage to these. Some other minor issues have also been fixed under the warranty.
With Lent beginning on Wednesday March 5, we are encouraged to spend time reflecting on our lives, and our relationship with God and with others.
Traditionally, the Season of Lent has been a time of reflection and fasting, a time of going without some of the luxuries or things we enjoy in life. Often this has been something like chocolate or something else we enjoy, maybe that cafe coffee. But why do people make such sacrifices? Maybe it is because we need to remember the sacrifices Jesus made in his life, to the point of sacrificing his life in attempting to enhance the lives of people of his time. Going without can be a somewhat pointless exercise if it doesn’t result in our pausing and giving thanks for Christ’s sacrifices. We might give the money we save towards some worthy cause such as a food bank or some other venture. This reminds us that Jesus sacrificed his life for people in need as he sought a better life for them.
It has been good to see an increase in attendance at the Buckland services and while we have a good number of parishioners, attendance at St Andrew’s worship does fluctuate. We are having a few baptisms of babies whose mums have been part of previous youth groups. I am delighted to have the privilege of baptising their little ones.
As we approached Lent, we had our pancake picnic on Sunday March 2 and we were delighted that some of our neighbours from the Franklin parishes joined us. We will again join with the members of St Patrick’s Catholic Parish for our evening service on Ash Wednesday. On Easter Day, April 20, we will have the pleasure of members of the Community Choir joining us for a service at 9am. This will be the only service on that day. We will host the choir for morning tea, and we would appreciate a plate if you are able.
Over the past month, the fences around the retirement village have been cleaned. The entrance to the shower has now been fixed so it can be entered. Renton and Pauline have done a great job of trimming and cleaning up the hedges, and Pauline has done a thorough clean of the toilet blocks. Thanks to all involved in keeping the grounds and buildings clean and tidy.
The spouting along the front of Nora Brown Hall is being replaced. We will be extending the ramp across the front of the entrance into Reid Anderson Hall as we are often seeing baby buggies or food trolleys cut the corner. This sometimes happens when people are standing outside the office door chatting. It would be helpful if you are able to move away from that area if you want to have a chat.
Blessings to you all
March 2: First reading: Exodus 34:29-35; Gospel: Luke 9:26-38
March 9: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
March 16: Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18; Luke 13:31-35
March 23: Isaiah 55:1-9; Luke 13:1-9
March 30: Joshua 5:9-12; Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Singers welcome to help
Ash Wednesday, March 5: 10am St Andrew’s, 7pm combined service at St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Thursday March 6, 10.30am: Franklin Village
Tuesday March 11, 11am: Palms Hospital
Thursday March 20, 10am: St Andrew’s
Tuesday March 25, 11am: Possum Bourne Village
Every Sunday
8am and 9.30am at St Andrew’s Pukekohe
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month
11.30am St Paul’s Buckland
1st Sunday of the month
11.15am Nora Brown Hall behind St Andrew’s Church.
Weekdays 10am at St Andrew’s
1st Wednesday of the month — 3rd Thursday of the month
Wednesday March 5, 10am: Ash Wednesday service followed by Mother’s Union
Wednesday March 5, 7pm: Combined service at St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Friday 7 March, 10am: World Day of Prayer at Presbyterian Church.
Prepared by the women of the Cook Islands
Sunday March 9, noon: St Paul’s AGM at Buckland
Sunday March 16, 11am: Parish AGM, St Andrew’s
Thursday March 20, 10am: Parish Communion Service. Fellowship Group meets at the church at 10.30am for cafe outings
Sunday March 30, 11.45am for 12pm lunch: Hidden Cafe. As usual you will be asked to pre-order so we get served more quickly
Sunday April 13, 8am, 9.30am at St Andrew’s, 11.30am at Buckland: Palm Sunday.
Thursday April 17, 6pm: Foot washing and Passover Meal
Friday April 18, 11am: Good Friday Service followed by hot cross buns
Again we are blessed to have the Pukekohe Garden Friends enhancing our garden display of the events that occurred on Jesus’ journey to the cross during Holy Week and leading up to Good Friday.
The garden will be open to the public from April 7 until the end of the week after Easter. Booklets will be available to assist you with your reflections on your walk around the garden.
On Easter Day this year, April 20, we will have just one service at 9am, when some members of the Franklin Community choir will join us to enhance our worship with their beautiful contribution to the singing.
NATIVE BEES (ngaro huruhuru)
By Keith Gardner
People have commented on the lack of bees in their gardens this year. Beekeepers say it is the weather. A wet, unsettled spring and wind have caused bees to become hive-bound. Manuka beekeepers say it is the worst year for honey production for 20 years.
The New Zealand native bee seems to be up and about. There are 28 species of native bees, and all belong to the family of Colletidae.
These bees are unique to Aotearoa and are found nowhere else in the world. They are small and not seen in big numbers.
Like honeybees, native bees forage on forest and pasture flowers. While they collect nectar and pollen for food, they pollinate the plants they visit.
Native bees are dark and small. Each female burrows her own nest in the ground or hollow plant stem. They live a solitary life, unlike the larger common honeybee which lives in a colony where workers collect nectar and pollen while the queen lays eggs.
Native bees lay only one egg at a time, producing 8-12 eggs in a lifetime. Since they do not protect a colony, they rarely sting. They do not fly long distances when foraging, ranging only about 100m from their nest. They have short tongues and pollinate the small flowers on NZ native plants such as manuka, kanuka, pohutukawa, hebe and some orchard trees and vegetable crops. The three common groups are:
Leioproctus: The biggest and most common. It is 5-12 mm long and is hairy. It looks like a small honeybee, and it carries pollen on its legs. It will dig tunnels up to 30cm.
Hylaeus: This bee is only 7-9 mm long. It is slender and shiny black with no hair. It has a small yellow marking on its face and thorax. It nests in plant material or dead stems, and holes in logs left by other insects. These bees carry their pollen in their stomach as they have no pollen-carrying baskets like other bees.
Lasioglossm: The smallest bee at only 4-8mm long. It can appear black or green. It can be social and nest in small groups. Mostly it is found nesting in farmland or by streams. While some diseases such as the varroa mite affect honeybees, the native bees do not get affected.
Native bees live a solitary life and do not have honey as a food reserve. Again, climate change and land use has led to a loss of their habitat. The use of herbicides and insecticides which pollute air and waterways does not help our native bee population.
(Ref: Te Ara Encyclopedia and TePapa.govt.nz)
Friday March 7, St James’ Presbyterian Church, West St, Pukekohe
10am morning tea in the hall followed at 10.30am by service in the church
“I Made You Wonderfully”
Saturday March 15, 10am-2pm
Pukekohe Anglican Church grounds, corner Queen St and Wesley St
Community Networks Franklin and its member organisations work together to enable a socially just and prosperous community. We’re also about making sure we do that sustainably!
Our Little Green Expo is a way to find out what sustainability initiatives are already under way in our community.
We are bringing you another Little Green Expo this month. It will be a chance to:
Showcase steps to a sustainable future
Allow groups to connect
Provide practical steps to help tackly environmental problems
Encourage personal responsibility
Investigate new options
We aim to show what can be achieved in the home, garden and workplace with waste, food, clothes, electricity and more
The Expo will feature workshops, activities for children, displays, stalls and presentations
Want to take part? Email cnfsecretary1@gmail.com or phone Jan on 027 452 1366
For those wishing to make contributions to the parish, the account numbers are:
• Parish general expenses including automatic payments: 06-0405-0012157-00
• Restoration of the church: 06-0405-0078359-01
• Pukekohe Community Action (for community out-reach in our community): 12-3023-0071016-00
• Make sure you put your name in the reference field and email Jan at jan.wallace@xtra.co.nz so we can send you a tax receipt. Many thanks in advance for your generosity.
A copy of the Parish Health and Safety Policy, along with the processes required for the implementation of the policy, is available on our website or from the parish office. An evacuation plans are in each area of the church and complex.
Assembly areas are the car park beside the Reid Anderson Hall, by the road in front of the church or on the vicarage lawn depending on the location of the emergency.
St Paul’s Church: Assembly area is by the road at the front of the church.
First aid kits and accident reporting sheets are located:
1. Reid Anderson — In the cupboard over the small hand basin, by the back door in the kitchen.
2. Nora Brown — on the shelf above the microwave. Record sheets are next to the microwave.
3. Parish office — 2nd to top shelf on left side in the back room. The office is locked when unattended. Forms are to be completed as soon as the accident has been dealt with and the form put through the slot by the office door and the vicar or wardens are to be notified. Treatment including resources that are used are to be recorded on the accident sheet.
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Vicar: The Rev’d Jan Wallace 238 7723 Home
238 7228 Office 0274 521 366 Mob
Email: jan.wallace@xtra.co.nz
Chairperson Rev’d Jan WallaceVestry secretary Karen StevensWardens Pauline Brown 021 182 3703,
Richard Anderson 021 081 68724
Synod Reps Vicky Mee, Helen HalliwellVestry members Renton Brown,Helen Halliwell, Glenis Kerr, Vicky Mee
Buckland Rep Glen Morse
Parish Ministry Team
Vestry Wardens Pauline Brown and Richard AndersonCommunications Cecily Daroux & Judith TuckerCommunity needs response Jan Wallace & Vicky Mee
Sustainability Pauline Brown, Vicky Mee, Keith GardnerPastoral Care Rev Jan Wallace
Central Vestry Trust Board Treasurer Ros PhillipsParish Recorder Keith Gardner (Parish Envelope Scheme)Parish Administrator Judith TuckerOffice Hours Monday to Thursday | 9am — 2pmAddress 31 — 37 Queen St, PO Box 338, PukekohePhone 09 238 7228Email address pukekoheanglicanchurch@xtra.co.nzOp Shop 9am — 12 noon on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Community Programmes at Pukekohe Anglican Church — Pukekohe Community Action
SPACE for you and your baby
For the first year of baby’s life. Several groups are run each week to keep the age range of the babies within about 3 months. Term time only.The Selwyn Foundation
For the older members of the community
A hot lunch is available for a small charge. Transport can also be arranged. Tuesdays 9.30am.Seasons
An after-school group held at 4pm on Thursdays for children who have experienced a significant loss or grief in their lives. An adult programme runs at various times. Ph 027 452 1366 for information.Oasis Play Group
Music & Coffee group, a natural progression from Space, for preschool children. Mon & Fri, 9.15-11am. Term time only.
Wednesday March 5, 7pm: Combined Catholic and Anglican service at St Patrick’s Catholic Church.
Friday March 7, 10am: At Pukekohe Presbyterian Church, morning tea in the church lounge followed at 10.30am by service in the church.
Sunday March 9, noon: At Buckland.
Saturday March 15, 10am-2pm: St Andrew’s Church complex. Hosted by Community Networks Franklin, the annual sustainability expo is free to attend.
Sunday March 16 after 9.30am service: Meeting will include the election of People’s Warden, Vestry members, two lay Synod representatives, and Buckland representative. It would be great to appoint a representative who has an interest in finances.
Thursday March 20, 10am: Parish Communion Service. Fellowship Group meets at the church at 10.30am for cafe outings.
Sunday March 30, 11.45am at Hidden Cafe: If you would like to join us, please add your name to the list in the foyer or call the office.