Newsletter September 2017


(or are they!!!)

Spring is (hopefully) about to burst forth as we look at the start of September. Many of us look forward to the warmer weather although when we talk about favourite seasons during our Seasons for Growth programme I am always surprised by the number who do choose winter; however spring and summer are usually the majority.  At this time of the year I enjoy sitting eating breakfast watching the beautiful little waxeye birds pecking away at a plant flowering in our garden. Breakfast always take a lot longer at this time of the year. New lambs have arrived, the children are preparing for pet days, and I look forward to the flowers and colour that will soon be appearing. In another month we will be preparing for our St Francis’ Day service and giving thanks for creation.

Isn’t it amazing how much shorter a year becomes the older you get?  The seasons seem to roll around much more often. For some children the time between the most important days of the year – birthdays and Christmas – seems to be forever, yet as we get older they seem to occur all too frequently.

I was reminded recently, when one of our parishioners brought some books to the church that dated back to 1939, that while the times are certainly changing there is much that stays the same. These books contained prayers, poems, and thoughts to ponder and reflect on. Suddenly, a few more hours had passed by as I became absorbed in the content of the books. World War II was beginning and here we are again facing uncertain times, increased tension in the world, and anxiety as to who will make the first comment or action that offends another, again bringing war upon us. Do people ever learn? What is it that makes people think that they have all the answers and the right to judge, criticise, and condemn others?

I get particularly annoyed when I hear people making statements and judgments using the guise of Christianity. How can people make statements as we have heard and read earlier this week, suggesting that those who enter a same-gender marriage should be shot.  This is particularly disturbing when those making the statement imply they are doing so based on Christian principles. Yes, I am indeed grateful that most people have changed in their attitudes with respect to what they see as biblical facts. No matter what views one might have on same-gender relationships I would hope that such attitudes would not have a great deal of support.

There are also other areas of our lives that we need to reflect upon and to think differently about today if our lives and the lives of future generations are to be enhanced. A primary concern has got to be our attitude to the environment, and that we play our part in ensuring that the fresh water, the beauty of creation – and indeed life itself, is sustained for future generations.

To counter these statements supporting societal changes I had a person say to me during the week, “I don’t like this modern world!” They were referring to the use of technology that surrounds us and yes, in some ways, I am as bad as anyone on that one. However, I do understand where the person was coming from. This came to me when I was browsing through these nearly 80-year-old books. In them I was reminded that people have not changed. We were, are, and will continue to be relational beings. We need people, even if many of us enjoy time alone. Even a baby, without experiencing love in their life, will fail to thrive. The excessive dependency on technology can certainly detract from relationships. Conversation is becoming a lost art as text messages and emails become the preferred way of communicating for so many, especially those in the younger age group.

And speaking of change – there has also been a change in the parish office. Sylvia has retired after 33 years working there. Noeline Craighead is rapidly coming to grips with all that goes on in the office and is gradually getting to know people. She has certainly fitted in well and I am extremely grateful for the contribution that she is making to the parish.


From the Parish Registers


Sunday August 6: Martyn Gibson    

Rest Home Services – September

Palms Rest Home: 10.30am Tuesday September 5

Palms Hospital: 11am Tuesday September 12

Lakeside Rest Home: 10.30am Wednesday September 13

Pukekohe Hospital: 10.30am Wednesday September 20

Possum Bourne Village: 11am Tuesday September 26

Anyone who wishes is welcome to join us at these services

Mothers’  Union

Wednesday September 6

10am service in the Parish Lounge, followed by the meeting, also in the lounge.

Speaker: Shelly Buchanan from Go Forth Kiwi, Pukekohe

All Welcome


If you have anything you would like advertised in

The Messenger

Please let us know

Bible Readings in September

Date September 3      
First Exodus 3 : 1-15
Gospel Matthew 16 : 21-28
Theme The Cost of Discipleship

13th Sunday after Pentecost

Date September 10
First Exodus 12 : 1-14
Gospel Matthew 18 : 15-20
Theme Dealing with Conflict

14th Sunday after Pentecost

Date September 17   
First Exodus 14 : 19-31
Gospel Matthew 18 : 21-35
Theme Forgiveness

15th Sunday after Pentecost

Date September 24    
First Exodus 16 : 2-15
Gospel Matthew 20 : 1-16
Theme Generosity

16th  Sunday after Pentecost

Worship and Study Group

 Music group for the hospitals   

To me worship is greatly enhanced by music and people in hospitals really value sharing in the hymns so many of them sang as a children.

I love watching the facial expressions of some of the older people who don’t appear to be taking much notice of life when familiar words are being said or sung to them.  While few words may not come out they begin mouthing the Lord’s Prayer or the words of those loved and familiar hymns.

I would really appreciate even a couple of people joining me and our team for services at Pukekohe Hospital on the third Wednesday of the month at 10.45am and at the Palms Hospital in Beresford St on the second Wednesday.

This would hugely increase our services to the residents of these two hospitals. We have a pianist at the Palms Hospital. The rest homes and Possum Bourne Village have people who are able to join in the singing with us.

Please speak to Jan if you would be willing to help at either or both of these hospitals.

St Francis’ Day Service with Blessing of the Animals

 October 1, 9.30am

Bring along your friends, family and pets. If it is really fine and warm we will have the service on the vicarage lawn otherwise it will be in Reid Anderson Hall.

Some words of wisdom from the past

Don’t be too quick to tell people their faults.

Don’t expect to be defrauded; – it is very unlikely you ever will be.

Don’t worry over trifles – they are not worth it.

Don’t wish you were someone else.

Don’t think everyone else is wrong; – when we do, it is probably us!


Have you heard of two Yorkshiremen who were tramping the weary miles from their country home to the City of London?

One day they reached a town outside of London, footsore and tired out.

“It’s 10 miles to London,” someone told them when they asked how much further they had to go.

Bill groaned.  “It’s no use, lad,” he said to his pal.  “I cannot go another step.”

“Cheer up old chap,” said his stalwart companion encouragingly, “That’s only five miles each!”

And the moral (if you must have it) is that troubles are lighter when they are shared.

The Friendship Book 1939

Discussion Group (reflective prayer)

Wednesday September 6 – Nora Brown Hall 2pm.

At this time we will decide on the best day to meet and how frequently.  Please speak to Jan if you are interested.


Women’s Fellowship

This is an open group with the purpose of getting to know each other better and offering support and encouragement to each other.

All are welcome.

Our next meeting is Thursday September 21 at Anne and Norman Gardner’s home.

If we meet at the church at 10am we can share transport.


Thank You!

Movie night

Vestry would like to thank all who were involved in the organising of the parish fundraising movie evening and all who sold tickets. Thanks also to those who supported the evening by attending.

It looks as though the evening raised about $1360. Well done and thank you all.

Sorting of the Garage

Thank you to those who are bringing along items for the white elephant stall for the parish fair. This is very much appreciated. Please can you stack the items on top if they are light enough and you are able. Thank you to the team who recently tidied the garage and made more room for items.

Grounds and Gardens

To all who work hard maintaining our grounds and surrounds … With spring and more rapid growth coming, thank you Pauline and Renton Brown, Kevin Bullock and John Allen and team and all on the mowing roster and such like. Thank you all for your help with this.

From the Vestry


Diocesan Synod (annual meeting of the churches in the Diocese of Auckland) takes place from the evening of the Thursday September 7 through to the evening of Saturday, September 9.  Major discussions will take place around the finances of the diocese and how the amount of money the parishes in the diocese are asked to pay each year is calculated.  A formula has been used to determine the amount we are required to pay. Historically this has been a voluntary contribution which we have agreed to pay but there is a Bill before the Synod looking at making this compulsory. For our parish – and I gather for many others, we are struggling. Currently we are running at a shortfall of $3000 a month.  This is only sustainable for a very limited period of time. Vestry is reviewing what is happening in this area and there will be further information in next month’s Messenger.  In the meantime vestry asks you to pray about this situation as well as for the Synod, our Bishops as they lead us, our lay representatives Alistair Parke and Vicky Mee and Jan as our clergy person.  We also ask that you reflect on your financial contribution to the parish.  We know that many members of the parish are also struggling and they make a huge contribution to God’s work in the church and the community through their very generous gifts in so many other ways, and we are grateful.  Clergy housing is also the topic that will bring considerable discussion. There are 12 motions also for consideration.


There are many keys with people who are no longer in need of them.  If you have a key and use it only on a very occasional basis (less than once in a three-week period) would you please return it to the office. Of course the people who attend to any aspect of church cleaning or flowers where access is often needed outside of the hours during which the church is open need their keys.


PRUNING OF TREES ON QUEEN ST : We have a resource consent for this and are waiting for the contractors to complete this work. No doubt the wet weather has delayed their work on many projects.

REMOVAL OF BEECH TREE IN THE FRONT OF THE CHURCH: The extent of the root system has been investigated and the arborist indicated that the roots are putting pressure on the buttresses which is affecting the structure of the building. This now needs a discussion between the council engineer and our engineer. We are waiting on a response from the council as to what further work it requires before we submit a resource consent application to remove the tree.

BUCKLAND CHURCH: Consideration is still being given to the moving of the Buckland church to the land next to the Buckland Hall. Our initial discussion indicated this may not actually be possible but with further investigation it is back on the table. We are currently exploring the feasibility of the move and receiving quotes we will need to gain resource consent. There needs to be negotiation with the Buckland Community and Hall committee and the Buckland School. You will be kept informed as information comes to hand.

LEAKING CHURCH:  Having tried unsuccessfully to use a cherry picker to fix the lead flashings on the church roof (which provide a seal where the tiles meet the next level on the church roof), Wharfe Bros. has found we need scaffolding to do this task. This will be erected any time now. The lead has slipped down the roof, leaving considerable gaps where the rain is getting into the church. Of course to complete this work we need a period of fine weather.


We have several parishioners who are in a very ill state of health and as always, I would like you to continue to hold all people who are suffering in uncertain times in your prayers. Please pray for those in hospitals and those who are at home being cared for by people who are devoted to the supporting of others who are in need. Let us pray for all in professions that care for others.

SEASONS FOR GROWTH: We are currently running children’s grief and loss programmes in Hill School, St Joseph’s School and Tuakau College as well as an after-school programme here at the church on Thursday.  An adult group will be starting on Monday nights at 7.30pm in the meeting room. If you are interested in finding out more about this group please talk to Jan.

SPACE FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY: A group for first-time mums and their babies, this runs on Tuesday to Thursday each week. There are four groups running at any one time. The groups depend on the age of the baby. The mums find these sessions very helpful and supportive. At the moment there are two groups for babies aged 0 to 3 months, because we have had more than 40 enrolments in this group this term.

OASIS: This is the natural progression from Space. As the babies “graduate” at the age of 1 year they transfer through to the playgroups which have music, morning tea, free play and a story with a related craft. There is time for mums to chat amongst themselves and to build relationships as many are new to Pukekohe. I enjoy the group because the parents are so encouraging and supportive. Do feel free to drop in and see the children having fun.

SELWYN GROUP: For the older members of the community. Join in the exercises, chat over a cup of tea or coffee and then enjoy cards, Scrabble, Rummikub or other activities. It is good to see people getting out, mixing with others and on Tuesdays, enjoying lunch together. This group runs every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9.30am.  Again speak to Jan or Bob for more information.


GROW YOUR OWN FOOD – A PRACTICAL WORKSHOP: Everyone welcome, numbers limited. For nutritious and healthy food grown sustainably, why not grow it yourself? This course will introduce you to the basics of growing your own food: feeding the soil; selecting seasonal plants to grow; watering; protections from sun, wind and animals; pests, diseases and weeds; and creating your garden, all from an organics perspective.

Enrol now: call 238 7228 and leave your name and number.

Wednesday evenings from 7.15 to 8.45pm, starting August 30 for six weeks. $60 or 3-hour TimeBank debit.

Anglican Church, Auckland Diocese, St Andrew’s Parish Hall, 43 Queen St, Pukekohe.

Sustainable Anglicans

Social Opportunities


Sunday September 17, 8.45am ~ Reid Anderson Hall

Please complete a slip at the back of the church if you are able to join us. It is a great opportunity to get to know some of the people who sit with you in church on Sunday mornings.

Thank you Richard and your family for organising this for us.

It would be helpful if a team can help with the clean-up after the breakfast.


Thank you to those who have hosted and those who have attended one of the soup lunches over the past couple of months.  Our next soup lunch will be held on Sunday September 24.

Please speak to Gael Crimmins 238 6017 or Jan if you would be willing to host a group for lunch on that day.


Friday September 29.

Please add your name to the list if you would like to join the fun.

Beetle, Scrabble, Rummikub and cards or bring your favourite game along to share.

Fundraising – Parish Fair

Proposed date for this great day is Saturday October 28

An enjoyable day out for the whole family.

Food, drinks, a variety of stalls ~ jumble, cake, books, plants, etc.

Come along and be part of the fun!!!

Health and Safety Policy

A copy of the Parish Health and Safety Policy along with the processes required for the implementation of the policy is currently being developed.  When this is completed a copy will be on the shelf at the back of the church, published on our website or available from the parish office.

An evacuation plan is in each area for the church and complex.

Reid Anderson Hall Assembly area is the car park adjoining the hall unless the location of the emergency situation is on the south wall preventing evacuation on that side of the building.  In this case the assembly area is on the road frontage in front of the church.

Nora Brown Hall Assembly area is on the road frontage in front of the church or on the vicarage lawn depending on the location of the emergency situation.

Other rooms in the complex Assembly area move to the vicarage lawn.

St Andrew’s Church Assembly area is on the road frontage at the front of the church.

St Paul’s Church Assembly area is on the road frontage at the front of the church.

First aid kits and accident reporting sheets are located:

  1. Reid Anderson – In the cupboard over the small hand basin in the Kitchen.
  2. Nora Brown – on the shelf above the microwave. Record sheets are next to the microwave.
  3. Parish office – 2nd to top shelf on left side in the back room. The office is locked when unattended.

Forms are to be completed as soon as the accident has been dealt with.

Treatment including resources that are used are to be recorded on the Sheet.

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