Newsletter July 2024


On Friday evening, while we were visiting some of our family, their first lamb of the season was born. Is this a sign of hope to come and that the weather will begin to warm up? Are we soon to enjoy other signs that spring is drawing near and soon the gardens will begin to show more colour and new life will appear around us? I am really looking forward to some warmer weather rather than facing many more 4C temperatures.
It was certainly cold in church last Sunday morning. It will be good when the church is finally restored and there is a better system for controlling the temperature, both in summer and winter. It is good for us to pause and reflect on the many people who do not have warm homes at night.
I am pleased that we live in such a generous community and we are still able to provide pyjamas to families collecting food parcels when the children arrive with no warm clothes. We are certainly living in challenging times with many people finding it difficult to make ends meet as the cost of living increases.
We are also truly fortunate to have Franklin Family Support in our community to assist people with their finances. Vicky Mee is one of their financial mentors. Thank you, Vicky, and the other members of your team who work hard to support people in our community who are struggling. There are several budgeting support trusts that have lost their government funding, and government support for food banks is also being withdrawn. It is easier to show God’s love for others in times when people are hurting. It is also a time when people need to share their concerns with others.
It is hard to meet all the needs that are presented to us each day. We need to remember Jesus’ time was in high demand and there were occasions when he had to choose his priorities when he was teaching how we should care for others.
If you have been in the Nora Brown Hall recently, you may have noticed there is a new switchboard. This has been installed to enable us to run a generator in the case of an emergency. With the increased number of refrigerators and freezers on site, we are trying to keep our food for those in need fresh and safe. The humidity we experienced last summer made keeping the potatoes and other vegetables fresh particularly challenging. The increased power supply capacity also gives us the opportunity to expand our power supply should this become needed in the future.
Last Sunday we shared a beautiful parish breakfast. Richard and Dianne Anderson, along with other members of their family, again presented us with a wide range of foods. The Anderson family have been serving us these breakfasts for around 20 years and we are very grateful. It is good for us to gather and share a meal together so I am hopeful the tradition will continue with other people taking over the role and working together to help the parishioners to strengthen their relationships and encourage each other on their spiritual journey. It was great to have Bishop John and Marion join us on Sunday.
The celebration of Matariki is a reminder to us to value those who have gone before us, those who lived on this land and grew their food in the rich and fertile land that is quickly being swallowed up for housing. It is also a time for us to remember our loved ones, and those who have shared their faith with us.
Keep warm and dry in our inclement weather.
Blessings — Jan

July 7:
First reading, 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Gospel, Mark 6:1-13
July 14: 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19; Mark 6:14-29
July 21: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
July 28: 2 Samuel 11:1-15; John 6:1-21

Singers welcome to help
Wednesday 3rd, 12 noon and 7pm: St Andrew’s
Thursday 4th, 10.30am: Franklin Village
Tuesday 9th, 11am: Palms Hospital
Thursday 18th, 10am: St Andrew’s
Tuesday 23rd & 30th, 11am: Possum Bourne Village

Every Sunday
8am and 9.30am at St Andrew’s Pukekohe
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month
11.30am St Paul’s Buckland
1st Sunday of the month
11.15am Nora Brown Hall behind St Andrew’s Church.
Weekdays 10am at St Andrew’s
1st Wednesday of the month — 3rd Thursday of the month

The Pukekohe Community Action trust would like to thank the many people who have helped, and continue to help, us reach out and support people in our community. You will have seen on television or read in the paper or on social media about the hardship many people in our community are facing.
We are so grateful to the parishioners at Pukekohe, Bombay and Tuakau Anglican churches for the support they give to our food bank and the pyjama drive. We continue to approach the lower decile schools for the number of children they consider are likely to need hospitalisation due to respiratory issues because of living in cold, damp or overcrowded houses. This year, we add pyjamas to food parcels where we identify there is a need. We are only able to do this because of the generosity of people in the community.
There are also a number of businesses and individuals that support our community outreaches and again we are extremely grateful. Included is Michelle Newman, who has collected a bunch of food from the staff at TrailLite Motorhomes. Thank you, Michelle and team.


By Keith Gardner
New Zealand has many unique birds and trees but it also has unique plants. Around 82% of New Zealand plants are endemic — that is, they are not found elsewhere in the world. Most have small, white flowers. Many of the pollinators are moths, small native animals, lizards, small native bees and crawling insects that are not attracted by colour but by scent.
These plants are finding it hard to survive as their habitats are being destroyed but it is good to see many remain in reserves. Some that I have seen and remembered over the years of walking in the bush:
Kohia (the New Zealand native passionfruit) is found mostly in the Wellington area but I have also seen it by the Hunua Falls bridge.
It is a climbing plant and looks like the normal passionfruit with small scented yellow and white flowers in summer. The kohia has small balloon-like orange, golden or red fruits. The tui and silvereyes love the fruit. The vine can grow up to 10m with winding leaved stems and tendrils for climbing.
Male and female flowers occur on separate plants if fruit is to appear.
The tutahura (vegetable sheep) is endemic to NZ. From a distance on the hills, it looks like sheep. It is a member of the daisy family and is found in the Southern Alps, North Otago and southern Nelson. I have seen one high up in the Tararua Ranges near Levin. Only the buds that never fold can be seen externally because their stems are so branched and their woolly leaves are packed tightly.
The pahau kakapo (beard of the kakapo) is New Zealand’s tallest moss. Dawson superba can grow up to 60cm, making it the tallest selfsupporting moss in the world. It likes moist areas of the forest. I have seen them up close on Murray’s Walk in the Kaueranga Valley near Thames. They tend to grow in bunches with many stems in a small area. Each stem is an individual plant. It does not have flowers or seeds but produces spores.
Ongaonga (tree nettle) is a large, woody shrub that can grow to a height of 3m, with base stems reaching 12cm in thickness. The plant is the main source of food for larvae. Having brushed against a bush on the West Coast, I can tell you the sting lasts for a day, a reminder to be careful when near them.
The flowers occur from November to March and the seed is dispersed by wind.

Saturday 20 July, 8am-11am

If you have larger items for the garage sale, we’d appreciate you holding on to them until closer to the day. Set up will be from Tuesday July 16 to Friday July 19. Help is needed to move items from the garage to the hall and on the day from 7.30am.

For those wishing to make contributions to the parish, the account numbers are:
• Parish general expenses including automatic payments: 06-0405-0012157-00
• Restoration of the church: 06-0405-0078359-01
• Pukekohe Community Action (for community out-reach in our community): 12-3023-0071016-00
• Make sure you put your name in the reference field and email Jan at so we can send you a tax receipt. Many thanks in advance for your generosity.

Join us at St Peter’s Church, Bombay, Sunday August 11, 4pm to 6pm

Featuring Vocal Frenzy, a group of local women singing for the joy of it
and Lew Black, multi-talented singer and guitarist.
Admission $10 (includes afternoon tea). Raffle $2 a ticket. Cash only please.
Queries to Angela 0272 839 848

Learn about the impact of macular degeneration and the medical research, treatments and resources available.
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in New Zealand, affecting one in seven people over the age of 50.
Opthalmologist Dr Tracey Wong will share the latest information on treatments and offer advice about how to best manage macular degeneration.
Bring your friends and family to this free educational seminar.
DATE: Saturday July 27
TIME: 10am-11.30am
VENUE: Pukekohe Anglican Church, 43 Queen St, Pukekohe.

To register go to or call 0800 MACULA (622 852) or email
Macular Degeneration New Zealand.



A copy of the Parish Health and Safety Policy, along with the processes required for the implementation of the policy, is available on our website or from the parish office. An evacuation plans are in each area of the church and complex.

Assembly areas are the car park beside the Reid Anderson Hall, by the road in front of the church or on the vicarage lawn depending on the location of the emergency.

St Paul’s Church: Assembly area is by the road at the front of the church.

First aid kits and accident reporting sheets are located:
1. Reid Anderson — In the cupboard over the small hand basin, by the back door in the kitchen.
2. Nora Brown — on the shelf above the microwave. Record sheets are next to the microwave.
3. Parish office — 2nd to top shelf on left side in the back room. The office is locked when unattended. Forms are to be completed as soon as the accident has been dealt with and the form put through the slot by the office door and the vicar or wardens are to be notified. Treatment including resources that are used are to be recorded on the accident sheet.


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Vicar: The Rev’d Jan Wallace 238 7723 Home
238 7228 Office 0274 521 366 Mob

Rev’d Jan Wallace
Vestry secretary Karen Stevens
Wardens Pauline Brown 021 182 3703,
Richard Anderson 021 081 68724
Synod Reps
Vicky Mee, Helen Halliwell
Vestry members Renton Brown,Helen Halliwell, Glenis Kerr, Vicky Mee
Buckland Rep Glen Morse

Parish Ministry Team
Vestry Wardens
Pauline Brown and Richard Anderson
Family Gael Crimmins
Communications Cecily Daroux & Judith Tucker
Community needs response Jan Wallace & Vicky Mee
Sustainability Pauline Brown, Vicky Mee, Keith Gardner
Pastoral Care Rev Jan Wallace, Rev Merlene Walker

Central Vestry Trust Board Treasurer
Ros Phillips
Parish Recorder Keith Gardner (Parish Envelope Scheme)
Parish Administrator Judith Tucker
Office Hours Monday to Thursday | 9am — 2pm
Address 31 — 37 Queen St, PO Box 338, Pukekohe
Phone 09 238 7228
Email address
Op Shop 9am — 12 noon on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays


Community Programmes at Pukekohe Anglican Church — Pukekohe Community Action

SPACE for you and your baby
For the first year of baby’s life. Several groups are run each week to keep the age range of the babies within about 3 months. Term time only.
The Selwyn Foundation
For the older members of the community
A hot lunch is available for a small charge. Transport can also be arranged. Tuesdays 9.30am.
An after-school group held at 4pm on Thursdays for children who have experienced a significant loss or grief in their lives. An adult programme runs at various times. Ph 027 452 1366 for information.
Oasis Play Group
Music & Coffee group, a natural progression from Space, for preschool children. Mon & Fri, 9.15-11am. Term time only.

Thursday July 18, 10am:
Parish Communion Service. Fellowship Group meets at the church at 10.30am for cafe outings
Saturday July 20, 8am-11am, Set up from Tuesday July 16 to Friday July 19.
Please help with moving sale items from the garage to the Reid Anderson Hall if you are able. Help is also needed on the day 7.30am-11am and then with cleaning up.
Saturday July 27, 10am-11.30am:
Macular Degeneration New Zealand holds a free Saturday morning Awareness & Education Seminar in Reid Anderson Hall. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in New Zealand, affecting 1 in 7 people over the age of 50. Ophthalmologist Dr Tracey Wong will share the latest information on treatments and offer advice.
Wednesday August 7, 10am: Parish Communion Service followed by Mothers’ Union social group gathering.
Sunday August 18, 3pm:
Save the date, concert and ticket details to come.

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