Administration & Communication
Parish Finances
Like any organisation, we can only function through the generous donations of our church members and benefactors.
The parish prepares a yearly budget and tries to adhere to this but we have very little funding available for anything beyond the day-to-day running of the church and complex and our contributions to the wider mission of the church both locally and overseas. This makes any planning or visioning that requires discretionary spending difficult. Of most help to the parish is a commitment to regular giving. We do have ways to assist people to do this. Firstly we encourage giving by automatic payment as this provides a regular income. Automatic payments can be made through your bank account where you decide the amount and the frequency of your offering towards the work of the parish.
For more information contact:
Graham Russell
Phone: (09) 238 6988
The parish has a commitment to giving 10 percent of the offerings to missions. Five percent goes to overseas missions, mainly through the Anglican Board of Missions which supports overseas projects; the remaining 5 percent is given as love offerings. These are usually to local or national projects and are distributed by the vestry.
A weekly newsletter is available each Sunday and a full parish publication, The Messenger, is produced monthly. The Messenger provides information on what is happening in the parish in the coming months. It is published on the fourth Sunday of the month. Spare copies are left in the church foyer.
Parish Planner
A calendar of proposed events for the year is available at the back of the church, or from the office, or in this communication pack.
The blue and yellow on items such as visiting cards and notice boards is part of the parish branding to help make the church more easily identifiable.
Pew Cards
These are available on the pews in the church for people to take away for future reference.
Parish Roll, Visiting Cards & Prayer Request Cards
These are available on the cabinet at the back of the church.
Leaflets, Diocesan & Nationonal Publications
These are available in the stands in both the church foyer and in the Nora Brown Hall. Please feel free to take any of the publications away with you.