Newsletter December 2022

We have just completed a year of readings from the Gospel of Luke. In his writings, Luke gives us clear and consistent messages about the nature of Jesus. In Luke’s Gospel, we are constantly reminded of Jesus’ care for the outcasts, and those rejected by society. This rejection may have been because of their disreputable behaviour, because they were widowed and had no one to speak up for them, or because they displayed one of many other characteristics that caused people to reject them. In Luke’s Gospel, we have been told how Christ showed love and acceptance to all and he calls us to do likewise. It is so easy in life to have good intentions and yet to slip up at times, but by the grace of God we are accepted and forgiven.
So, from 27 November, we begin our three-year cycle again, starting with the Gospel of Matthew.

It has been exciting to see some progress being made with the restoration of the Memorial Arch. Some of you may be wondering why there are the long blocks attached to where the previous arch was. This is because we are moving the arch back further so it will be more in line with the front of the church. These blocks will be made into seats with the intention that eventually there may be some enhancement of the corner at the front of the church by the arch. It does look somewhat bare since the removal of the beech tree that, along with some other causes, was contributing to damage of the church foundations.
We have raised just over $27,000 in the past six months. Our dinner and auction went very well and as usual it was great music provided by Renton Brown’s Off Broadway Big Band. A significant number of people from our community have made donations towards the restoration even though they were unable to participate in the event. We will be applying for grants eventually, but we need to be a little further down the track before we are likely to have much success with this. The next stage is to have the architectural drawings prepared.
We are now taking a break from actively running fundraising events so our focus can again be on preparing to celebrate the birth of Christ into our world. It has been a hard and challenging three years with Covid and while we need to remember that the virus is still active in our community, it may also be time to restore contacts and take time with our family and friends.
This will be our last newsletter for the year and I do hope you have the opportunity for such refreshment. At the same time, we need to remember some of our less able people who often miss having their friends and family around, as well as those who are struggling to make ends meet.
We will again prepare Christmas hampers and deliver food parcels and presents to people in need. Deliveries will be made just before Christmas.
Donations towards these special food parcels and gifts would be much appreciated. Please deliver your gifts unwrapped so we can ensure somewhat equivalent gifts are given to each child in a family.
Pukekohe Community Action (PCA) has contributed very generously to the pastoral outreach of the church and many parishioners have continued their very generous support of this organisation. I hope some of you were able to
attend PCA’s recent annual event where participants in the programmes shared their experiences.
I would like to thank you all for your support and encouragement during the year and to wish you all the very best for a peaceful and joyful Christmas season and New Year as you seek to share the love of Christ with your family, friends and strangers.
Christmas blessings to you all. Jan and Bob

If you are able to assist with gifts to go with our Christmas food hampers this year or contributions to the food hampers, this would be much appreciated. If it is possible, we would like these to be left at the church by Friday 17 December. Please leave gifts unwrapped so we can determine the suitable age and if it best suits a boy or girl or either. Thank you.

As we do this let us recall again the words of the song:
He came singing love, and he lived singing love;
he died singing love. He arose in silence.
For the love to go on we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.
He came singing faith, and he lived singing faith;
he died singing faith. He arose in silence.
For the faith to go on we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.
He came singing hope, and he lived singing hope;
he died singing hope. He arose in silence.
For the hope to go on we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.
He came singing peace, and he lived singing peace;
he died singing peace. He arose in silence.
For the peace to go on we must make it our song;
you and I be the singers.

So, yes, it is now our turn to be the ones to carry on the love, the faith, the hope and the peace and as we make this our song, we must be the singers. In doing so, how will this change our behaviour as individuals and ours as a parish? What will it mean in our homes, and to our families and friends, and to strangers? To our neighbours and our community, to our world ~ God’s world?

December 4: First reading: Isaiah 11:1–10; Gospel: Matthew 3:1–12
December 11: Isaiah 35:1–10; Matthew 11:2–11
December 18: Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19; Matthew 1:18–25
December 25: Isaiah 52:7–10; Luke 2: 4-20

January 1: Isaiah 60:1–6; Matthew 2:1–12
January 8: Isaiah 42:1–9; Matthew 3:13–17
January 15: Isaiah 49:1–7; John 1:29–42
January 22: Isaiah 9:1–4; Matthew 4:12–23
January 29: Micah 6:1–8; Matthew 5:1–12

It would be great if I could have some people join us to sing Christmas Carols at each of these services.
Thursday Dec 1: 10.30am Franklin Village McNally Rd
Tuesday Dec 6: 10-.30am Palms Rest Home Harris St
Tuesday Dec 13: 11am Palms Hospital
Wednesday Dec 14: 10.30am Lakeside Kitchener Rd
TBC Possum Bourne (Ryman) Lisle Farm Rd

Sunday Worship Times
St Andrew’s, Pukekohe
Each Sunday 8am & 9.30am Holy Communion
1st Sunday 11.15am Holy Communion (Nora Brown Hall)
St Paul’s, Buckland
Only 2nd Sunday this month, 11.15am Holy Communion
January services will be at the usual times. If you are willing to be on the roster during January, please record your name on the blank roster which is in the foyer and please collect the reading or prayers for that day.


Possibly Saturday January 21.


By Keith Gardner
I often hear moreporks (ruru) calling in the early evening and morning just before dawn. They seem to be in the direction of Doctor’s Hill and Hickey’s Reserve. It is a bird call I never get tired of listening to. The best place I have found to listen to moreporks is in the Kauaeranga Valley behind Thames.
The ruru is New Zealand’s most widespread owl species. Ruru means “big eyes” in Māori. A bird of the forest and a night creature, the morepork is the only remaining owl found in NZ apart from the barn owl which has colonised NZ from Australia. With short, rounded wings and ears and eyes adapted for low light and darkness, the morepork is a skilful hunter. Moreporks eat a variety of food but focus on large insects such as weta, huhu beetles, moths and cicadas. They will also prey upon small animals such as mice and young rats.
Like many owl species, morepork can fly silently. Where most birds have smooth edges to their features, an owl has serrated edges, reducing turbulence and muffling the sound as air pressure passes over the wings. They will also glide for some distance.
Moreporks lay between one and three eggs between September and February. The female does all the incubation which lasts about 30 days.
Moreporks are generally abundant in NZ but are easy prey for predators. Although moreporks are not threatened, scientists and conservationists do not know much about the population. There could be fewer left than we think.
The laughing owl was NZ’s only endemic owl; it existed until the 1930s but is now extinct. It was about the size of a morepork but had a very stumpy tail. The sound it made was like the laughter of a “madman” or barking of a small dog. Long ago, the laughing owl seemed to be found all over NZ but predators, particularly mustelids, have led to its demise. Hopefully, this will not happen to the morepork.

E te Atua o te aroha, our loving Creator,
Mountains and oceans,
Mighty kauri and playful tui,
All creation belongs to You.
Remind us of our role as caretakers and gardeners.
Send your Spirit to renew our hurting world.
Give us courage and strength
To simplify our life, to share what we have,
To bear the cost of change
And sow seeds of hope for future generations.
Through Jesus Christ who is reconciling all things even through the
cross. Amen.

Health and Safety Policy
A copy of the Parish Health and Safety Policy and the processes required for its implementation is on the shelf at the back of the church, published on our website or available from the parish office.
An evacuation plan is in each area for the church and complex.
Reid Anderson Hall: Assembly area is the car park behind the hall unless the emergency is on the south wall
preventing evacuation on that side of the building. In this case the assembly area is by the road in front of the church.
Nora Brown Hall: Assembly area is by the road in front of the church or on the vicarage lawn depending on the location of the emergency.
Other rooms in the complex: Assembly area moved to the vicarage lawn.
St Andrew’s Church: Assembly area is by the road (Wesley St) at the front of the church.
St Paul’s Church: Assembly area is by the road at the front of the church.
First aid kits and accident reporting sheets are located:
1. Reid Anderson – In the cupboard over the small hand basin, by the back door in the kitchen.
2. Nora Brown – on the shelf above the microwave. Record sheets are next to the microwave.
3. Parish office – 2nd to top shelf on left side in the back room.
The office is locked when unattended.
Forms are to be completed as soon as the accident has been dealt with.
Treatment, including resources used, to be recorded on the sheet.

DK CONCRETE – Floors, Driveways, Footpaths, Patios etc. Daniel Kircher, Ph 021 066 8356,

HALLIWELL’S of Pukekohe – Stockists of Fine Quality Leather Shoes, 81 King St Pukekohe, Ph 2387686

PUKEKOHE TRAVEL – Locally owned and operated since 1978. Contact Eve Murphy, 89 King St Pukekohe, Ph 09-237 0013,


Vicar: The Rev’d Jan Wallace 238-7723 Home 238-7228 Office 0274-521-366 Mob
Chairperson Jan Wallace
Treasurer and acting Vestry secretary Karen Stevens
Wardens Pauline Brown Glenis Kerr
Synod Reps Vicky Mee
Vestry members Jocelyn Brodie, Renton Brown, Richard Gibbons, Richard Anderson, Maggie Gibson, Helen Halliwell, Julie Perelini, Philip Watson
Buckland Reps Jim Moore, Vicky Mee
Parish Ministry Team
Vestry Wardens Pauline Brown and Glenis Kerr Family Gael Crimmins Communications Cecily Daroux
Community Vicky Mee Sustainability Pauline Brown Worship Rev Jan Wallace, Ann Rollinson, Glenis Kerr.
Pastoral Care Rev Jan Wallace, Rev Merlene Walker
Treasurer Karen Stevens
Central Vestry Trust Board Treasurer Ros Phillips
Parish Recorder Keith Gardner (Parish Envelope Scheme)
Parish Administrator Judith Tucker
Office Hours Monday to Thursday, 9am ~ 2pm
Address 31 – 37 Queen St, PO Box 338, Pukekohe
Phone 09-238-7228
Email address
Op Shop 9am ~ 12 noon on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays

Community Programmes at Pukekohe Anglican Church

Space for you and baby
For the first year of baby’s life. A number of groups are run each week to keep the age range of the babies within about 3 months. Term time only.

The Selwyn Foundation
For the older members of the community. A hot lunch is available for a small charge. Transport can also be arranged. Tuesday 9.30am

Oasis Music & Coffee group
A natural progression from Space for preschool children. Mon & Fri 9.15am ~11am. Term time only

St Andrew’s Seniors fellowship group
For older members of the community – exercise, morning tea and cards. 9.15 am Thursdays

An after-school group at 4pm on Thursdays for children who have experienced a significant loss or grief in their lives. An adult programme runs at various times. Phone 0274521366 for information

Sunday December 11
❖ 9.30am Family Christmas Pageant — come and join in sharing the Christmas story
❖ 7.30pm Nine Lessons and Carols with the Franklin Community Choir and parishioners of St Patrick’s Catholic Church and the community
Sunday December 18
❖ 7.30pm – Blue Christmas Service — Acknowledging Christmas can be a hard time, especially when people missing from our Christmas table for any reason at all. Recognising the challenges we’ve faced in recent years.
Saturday December 24
❖ 5pm Family Christmas Story
❖ 7.30 pm Buckland Christmas Service
❖ 10.30pm Christmas Eve Mass
Sunday December 25, Christmas Day — 8am and 9.30am

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