Newsletter April 2024
We have had a great celebration of Easter again this year. On Palm Sunday we retold the passion story of Christ’s journey to Jerusalem and the events of the days leading up to the celebration of Passover.
On Thursday we shared in the remembrance of the Passover with a meal before adjourning to the church for foot or hand washing and joining in the Eucharist. On Good Friday we had a reflective service and on Easter Day the celebration of the resurrection. We were blessed with the presence of members of the Franklin Community Choir supporting the singing during our combined service, and this was followed by a magnificent brunch prepared by the Anderson Family. Thank you, Richard and your family.
We have several people attending our services who do not have a background in the Anglican tradition. It is good for all of us to remember that in the Anglican Church we do adhere to a church calendar. I find this helpful as each year we share the readings from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke with a smattering of readings from the Gospel of John. Just as the Christmas season continues into January so the Easter season this year continues from 31st March through to the 7th Sunday of Easter on 12th May — Ascension Day — and a week later Pentecost Sunday when we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit followed by Trinity Sunday. The readings during the Season of Easter focus on recognising the risen Christ in the time following the resurrection. Notice in the content of the readings during the season of Easter where Jesus appears to his followers.
It is with great anticipation now that we await the completion of the replacement Peace Memorial Arch. It is looking good. The asphalt under it needs to be replaced and the arch itself cleaned. Its completion will not be signed off until after Anzac Day. This is because one of the side panels will be removed during the service to allow a time capsule to be placed in the structure.
The roads from Pak’nSave to King St and from the War Memorial Town Hall to West St will be closed. The parade will assemble at the Intermediate School and march to the roundabout by the church, then turn left and proceed down Wesley St and enter the church grounds at the Wesley St entrance and continue to the arch. The dedication of the arch will precede the Civic Anzac Service. People will be invited to view the memorial features in and around the church. These include pieces of the broken arch in the garden, the memorial book on the stand in church, the Anzac banner made by Jennifer West — the other grandmother of Bob — and my granddaughters Emma and Zara, and the armed forces emblem and air force wings in the window above the altar as well. The church and the arch are both peace memorials. The original arch was built in 1921 and the foundation stone of the church was laid in 1931, giving thanks for peace following World War I.
This time of peace was short lived as World War II followed soon after.
It is important for us to continue to pray for the peace that Christ came to bring to the world is restored in so many places in our world today.
Blessings to all — Jan
April 7, First Reading: Acts 4: 32-35; Gospel: John 20: 19-31
April 14: Acts 3: 12-19; Luke 24: 36b-48
April 21: Acts 4: 5-12; John 10: 11-18
April 28: Acts 8: 26-40; John 25: 1-8
Singers welcome to help
An assistant at Franklin Village would be really appreciated.
Wednesday April 3, 12 noon and 7pm: St Andrew’s
Thursday April 4, 10.30am: Franklin Village
Tuesday April 9, 11am: Palms Hospital
Thursday April 18, 10am: St Andrew’s
Tuesday April 23, 11am: Possum Bourne Village
Tuesday April 30, 11am: Possum Bourne Village
Every Sunday
8am and 9.30am at St Andrew’s Pukekohe
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month
11.15am St Paul’s Buckland
1st Sunday of the month
11.15am Nora Brown Hall behind St Andrew’s Church.
Weekdays 10am at St Andrew’s
1st Wednesday of the month — 3rd Thursday of the month
11am St Andrew’s Anglican Church, cnr Wesley St and Queen St
10.50am: March from the Pukekohe Intermediate School, Queen St, Pukekohe.
Conducted by St Andrew’s Church and RSA Franklin. The
service will include the blessing of the new peace arch by the Right Reverend Ross Bay, Anglican Bishop of Auckland, and the placement of a time capsule in the peace arch.
Refreshments available afterwards at RSA Franklin, at the rear of the Town Hall.
Under our feet
By Keith Gardner
We do not realise what goes on under fallen leaves and in the soil and in the compost heap. There is an army down there. Twenty-three percent of all living creatures are soil invertebrates (having no backbone). Creatures such as millipedes, centipedes, earthworms, spiders.
Little ones like springtails and slaters as well as threads of fungi and tiny bacteria are under our feet working 24 hours a day. All the dead bits of plants, dead animals and food scraps end up with these creatures. They are our rubbish collectors. Not only do they collect rubbish, they also eat it and recycle the nutrients to plant roots. Life on land depends on life in the soil.
Springtails are an ancient group of animals which have been on earth for 400 million years. They are related to insects. New Zealand has 241 named species with more to be named. They move in jerky jumps by bending and flicking their tails. They eat rotting wood, leaves, fungi and bacteria.
Two under-earth creatures that look similar are millipedes and centipedes. Centipedes have one pair of legs on each body segment. The last two segments do not walk. They do not have one hundred legs as the name suggests but have a lot less.
Centipedes are carnivorous and feed on insects, earthworms and slugs.
They grow to more than 15cm in length.
Millipedes are also misnamed — they do not have thousands of legs but have two pairs of legs per segment. Millipedes are herbivores that feed on decaying vegetation. They move slower than centipedes and will curl into a ball when threatened.
Slaters are often found around rotten wood and compost heaps, and eat plants and animals. They are related to crabs and crayfish, and breathe through moist gills so they must live in damp places.
New Zealand has 36 species of slater. They are recognised by their elliptical, flattened segmented bodies and seven pairs of legs. Usually coloured in shades of grey, they are sometimes mottled with green and yellow. The average size of a slater is 1-1.5 cm.
Their bodies are armoured with calcium carbonate and are quite ridged. When disturbed they will roll themselves into a ball. Small mammals, birds, centipedes, beetles, and spiders will eat slaters. Some slaters secrete a noxious fluid which makes them distasteful and repels predators.
Slaters can live for two to four years although most die as juveniles. Slaters play a key role in soil ecosystems by shredding dead and decaying organic matter, mixing litter and dispersing fungal spores.
They speed up the recycling of soil nutrients.
The more soil creatures we have, the healthier our soil is. Let us not forget these creatures under the soil who do such an important job for us.
(Help from Powell’s Native Animals)
A copy of the Parish Health and Safety Policy, along with the processes required for the implementation of the policy, is available on our website or from the parish office. An evacuation plans are in each area of the church and complex.
Assembly areas are the car park beside the Reid Anderson Hall, by the road in front of the church or on the vicarage lawn depending on the location of the emergency.
St Paul’s Church: Assembly area is by the road at the front of the church.
First aid kits and accident reporting sheets are located:
1. Reid Anderson — In the cupboard over the small hand basin, by the back door in the kitchen.
2. Nora Brown — on the shelf above the microwave. Record sheets are next to the microwave.
3. Parish office — 2nd to top shelf on left side in the back room. The office is locked when unattended. Forms are to be completed as soon as the accident has been dealt with and the form put through the slot by the office door and the vicar or wardens are to be notified. Treatment including resources that are used are to be recorded on the accident sheet.
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Vicar: The Rev’d Jan Wallace 238 7723 Home
238 7228 Office 0274 521 366 Mob
Chairperson Rev’d Jan Wallace
Vestry secretary Karen Stevens
Wardens Pauline Brown 021 182 3703,
Richard Anderson 021 081 68724
Synod Reps Vicky Mee, Helen Halliwell
Vestry members Renton Brown, Richard Gibbons, Helen Halliwell, Glenis Kerr, Vicky Mee
Buckland Rep Glen Morse
Parish Ministry Team
Vestry Wardens Pauline Brown and Richard Anderson
Family Gael Crimmins
Communications Cecily Daroux & Judith Tucker
Community needs response Jan Wallace & Vicky Mee
Sustainability Pauline Brown, Vicky Mee, Keith Gardner
Pastoral Care Rev Jan Wallace, Rev Merlene Walker
Central Vestry Trust Board Treasurer Ros Phillips
Parish Recorder Keith Gardner (Parish Envelope Scheme)
Parish Administrator Judith Tucker
Office Hours Monday to Thursday | 9am — 2pm
Address 31 — 37 Queen St, PO Box 338, Pukekohe
Phone 09 238 7228
Email address
Op Shop 9am — 12 noon on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays
Community Programmes at Pukekohe Anglican Church — Pukekohe Community Action
SPACE for you and your baby
For the first year of baby’s life. Several groups are run each week to keep the age range of the babies within about 3 months. Term time only.
For the older members of the community
A hot lunch is available for a small charge. Transport can also be arranged. Tuesdays 9.30am.
An after-school group held at 4pm on Thursdays for children who have experienced a significant loss or grief in their lives. An adult programme runs at various times. Ph 027 452 1366 for information.
Music & Coffee group, a natural progression from Space, for preschool children. Mon & Fri, 9.15-11am. Term time only.
Wednesday April 3, 10am: Mothers Union
Thursday April 18, 10am:Fellowship service and social outing to a local cafe.
Parish Garage Sale:
Moving goods to the hall and sorting from Tuesday April 16
Garage Sale 8am Saturday April 20
Thursday April 25, Anzac Day Service at St Andrew’s:
8am set up chairs etc
10.50am parade from Pukekohe Intermediate School
11am dedication of the new Peace Memorial Arch, followed by the Civic Anzac Day Service at St Andrew’s
For those wishing to make contributions to the parish, the account numbers
• Parish general expenses including automatic payments: 06-0405-0012157-00
• Restoration of the church: 06-0405-0078359-01
• Pukekohe Community Action (for community outreach in our community):
• Make sure you put your name in the reference field and email Jan at so we can send you a tax receipt. Many thanks
in advance for your generosity.