Newsletter March 2022

Lent – what does it mean to us?
We have begun our journey through Lent in preparation for our memorial of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross, but what
is the significance of these 40 days, how does it affect our day-to-day life? Our answer will vary depending on the traditions we have experienced in our lives, especially if we have grown up in a faith that follows the liturgical calendar.
In the Anglican tradition, this is a time when we are encouraged to reflect on the last days of Jesus’ life and the sacrifices, pain and suffering he experienced in seeking to bring peace, hope, and love to the world. It was a sacrifice that changed the world at that time and life for all those who have joined the band of Christ’s followers and disciples during the past 2000 years. It continues to change the life of people today.
The purpose of our sacrifices during the Lenten Season is to heighten our awareness God’s presence in our lives. So we may choose to go without something or to actually take on something we might not do regularly, such as ring an older parishioner regularly or maybe a neighbour, or add to our commitment to reading the Bible, or time in contemplation or prayer.
One of the positive outcomes of the Covid-19 pandemic from my perspective is the strengthening of our community, with so many volunteers joining the teams of volunteers and donors to serve the community in so many ways and across a raft of organisations. It is great seeing heightened co-operation between groups. The focus is reaching out to people who are in need showing, love, compassion, and acceptance. The motivation behind our actions may be different as we seek to follow Christ’s example of unconditional love, the climax of which was his ultimate sacrifice on the cross on Good Friday.
Currently we are very busy with parish administration coming up to the AGM, with the required financial information for parish and the central vestry trust board accounts needing to be completed and compiling
reports and such like, while still trying to meet the requests for pastoral assistance and providing spiritual support to our parishioners and local community.

It is with much sadness that we heard the news that our much-loved parishioner Joyce Watson passed away on Sunday 27th February. I had spent time with Joyce and was with her the day before she died. The family decided not to have a service for Joyce but here will be an opportunity for us to celebrate Joyce’s life and her wonderful contribution to the parish over so many years.
We are wanting to build up our pastoral visiting team. If you are willing to be a parish visitor (or phone caller) on a regular basis can you please let me know.
Our AGM in two weeks’ time will be an important gathering for us this year because we will have some significant actions to consider.
Please see the agenda later in this Messenger.
Blessings to all.

Prayer for Ukraine and other parts of our world where people live in fear, without the relative peace we share in our country.
God of the past, the present and the future,
Our thoughts and prayers are with our sisters and brothers in Ukraine and the surrounding countries in their fear and distress.
We pray too for all other regions of the world where there is conflict, unrest or oppression.
We pray that reconciliation will overcome hatred, peace will conquer war, hope will replace despair and that your plans for the region will be fulfilled.
God, in your mercy
Hear our prayer.
World Day of Prayer, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 4th March 2022

For several years now we have had displays in the garden and an indoor display. These are well known in our community and it is a way for us to tell the Easter story to the people of the Franklin Community.
This can be done in a safe way with the garden being outside and by restricting the number of people viewing
the indoor display to two at a time.
To gain full value from these displays takes time.
If you are able to sit in God’s presence, reflect and think about the significance of Jesus actions’ throughout his life, and in particular, in the last days of his life and what that means to us and for us today, it can help us on our spiritual journeys. You may be able to relate these images to your feelings and experiences during the past two years.


11am Sunday 20th March in Nora Brown Hall.
This meeting will be accessible in person unless circumstances change but you are also welcome to attend online.
Jan Wallace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Parish AGM Zoom Meeting
Time: 20th March, 2022, 11am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 6160 6277
Passcode: 773354
• Apologies
• Matter arising not covered in the agenda
• Minutes
– Central Vestry Trust Board Financial Report
– presentation by the architects and engineers
– restoration of the church
– replacement of arch
– plans for funding – (suggestions please)
• Reports (these will be circulated pre-meeting and we will assume they have been read before the meeting)
1. Vicar
2. Wardens
3. Buckland
4. Property
5. Sustainability
6. Mothers’ Union
7. Any further parish reports
8. Reynolds trust
9. Pukekohe Community Action (PCA)
10. Op Shop
• Financial report for the parish
• Election of
– People’s warden
– Vestry members
– Synod representatives
If you would like to nominate a person for any of these roles please have nominations to the office by Thursday 17th March.
For the past three years we have had only one Synod representative. I am hoping this year we will be able to elect
two. It is a great opportunity to learn more about the church and how it works in decision-making. We will also appoint our People’s Warden and members of our Vestry. Please consider carefully whether this is something that you could do to contribute to the life and work of the parish.

Sunday Worship Times
St Andrew’s Pukekohe
Each Sunday 8am & 9.30am Holy Communion
1st Sunday 11.15am Holy Communion (Nora Brown Hall)
St Paul’s Buckland
2nd & 4th Sundays 11.15am Holy Communion

Sunday Readings for March 2022
6th: First reading: Deuteronomy 26: 1-11; Gospel: Luke 4: 1–13
13th: Genesis 15: 1-12, 17-18 Luke 13: 31-35
20th: Isaiah 55: 1-9 Luke 13: 1-9
27th: Joshua 5: 9-12 Luke 15: 1-3, 11b-32

(Covid willing)

This is still a challenge for us with the Covid situation. Rest homes are treating things differently. Some have returned to having services and others are not yet ready. We have resumed taking services at Possum Bourne on the 4th and 5th Tuesdays but I am waiting to hear from our other rest homes at this stage.
Remember things can change very quickly. The proposed schedule is below.
I would really appreciate having some people to come along and help us at these services – especially with the singing.

Tuesday 1st: 10.30am Palms rest home
*Wednesday 2nd: 10.30am No Mothers’ Union – Cancelled
Thursday 3rd: 10.30am Franklin Village – to be confirmed
Sunday 6th: 11.15am Seniors’ Service, Nora Brown Chapel – confirmed
Tuesday 8th: 11am Palms Hospital – to be confirmed
Wednesday 9th: 10.30am Lakeside – to be confirmed
Thursday 17th: 10.30am Fellowship – confirmed
Tuesday 22nd: 11am Possum Bourne Village – confirmed
Thursday 24th: 10am Church cleaning – confirmed
Tuesday 22nd: 11am Possum Bourne Village – confirmed

Murray Gibson. Thank you Murray!

What do we know?
Increasing numbers of families in our community

  • are struggling to make ends meet
  • requesting support to feed their families
  • living in homes that are cold and/or damp

Extreme weather conditions are unpredictable so we do not know when our nights are going to get colder and just how cold they will be.
2022 more pairs of NEW pyjamas will be needed to provide for local children in our low-decile schools. These children will be identified by the senior administrators in their schools, or help will go to children whose family is seeking assistance with food.
We really would appreciate your support as we seek to enhance the lives of our at-risk children.
We would really appreciate your help if you are able to support this initiative.

Female spiders are much bigger than their mates. Sometimes the females mistake the little male spiders for food and eat them. To avoid this, the nursery-web spider takes his mate a present of a wrapped-up fly.
All spiders are predators. This means they eat other animals, insects. More than two million spiders live in a hectare of paddock or garden in the summer.
All spiders can make silk. It is squeezed out of small holes of the spider’s abdomen, like toothpaste out of a tube. Spiders can make dry silk, sticky silk, a single strand or many-stranded thread. Silk is strong and very useful.

Many female spiders wrap their eggs in an egg-sac and carry it around with them. The nursey spider weaves a silk tent to keep her young in. They like to make their nurseries in gorse bushes.
As the young spiders grow their skin becomes too tight. So each young spider bursts its skin, squeezes out and grows a new skin. This is called moulting.
Spiders are useful because they eat insect pests so do not kill them – just pick it up in a handkerchief or paper towel and put it outside. Most spiders do not hurt people but they can bite so be careful.
1. What do spiders spin? S_ _ _
2. What are spiders’ little front limbs called? P _ _ _ _
3. What do spiders eat? I _ _ _ _ _ _
4. This spider lives in your house. D _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. How many legs do spiders have? E _ _ _ _
6. An old folk story says, “Kill a spider and
it will…” R _ _ _
The daddy long-legs spider is found in houses all over the world. It catches flies and mosquitos. Daddy long-legs have no poison so they catch their victims by wrapping them in silk. Gently poke a daddy long-legs. See how it twirls about. If you were a fly, it would be tangling you in its web.
Keith Gardner

Meet at Robert Finlay Reserve Carpark at 1.30pm. We have a short walk to the first viewing area. Bring binoculars for best viewing . And course a hat and sunblock and some drinking water if the hot weather continues.

Scan in at carpark.
AT THE HIDES: Vaccine pass required. Wear face covering. There is a limited number allowed in the Hide.
Please add your name to the list in the foyer so we can share transport.

We welcome Mrs Dorothy Gibbons and Mrs Susan Hoben to our St Andrew’s Retirement village and look forward to their continued involvement in the parish life.
Unit 6, accessible through the gate next to unit 1 and from West St, is now vacant and we invite any expressions of interest.
We are sorry to see Mrs Nola Wylie move from the village, but she will receive better support in the Palms Village. She is settling in well and we wish her all the best.

Arch restoration:
Consents have now been given to begin work on the arch and we also have a faculty from the diocese so we are able to proceed with the reconstruction. The start of this project is dependent on the availability of contractors.
Progress on the reconstruction will be slow because the contractor, who is highly skilled in historic building restoration, has a trip planned to Britain and will be away for a couple of months, Covid-willing.
We are still awaiting the installation of the new letterboxes for the retirement village, but this again has been a long time in coming.

St Andrew’s Restoration Fundraising Dinner at the Pukekohe Town Hall is now set for November 

Health and Safety Policy
A copy of the Parish Health and Safety Policy, and the processes required for the implementation of the policy, is available on the shelf at the back of the church, published on our website or available from the parish office.
An evacuation plan is in each area for the church and complex.
Reid Anderson Hall: Assembly area is the car park behind the hall unless the location of the emergency is on the south wall preventing evacuation on that side of the building. In this case the assembly area is by the road in front of the church.
Nora Brown Hall: Assembly area is by the road in front of the church or on the vicarage lawn depending on the location of the emergency situation.
Other rooms in the complex: Assembly area moved to the vicarage lawn.
St Andrew’s Church: Assembly area is by the road (Wesley St) at the front of the church.
St Paul’s Church: Assembly area is by the road at the front of the church.
First aid kits and accident reporting sheets are located:
1. Reid Anderson – In the cupboard over the small hand basin, by the back door in the kitchen.
2. Nora Brown – on the shelf above the microwave. Record sheets are next to the microwave.
3. Parish office – 2nd to top shelf on left side in the back room. The office is locked when unattended.
Forms are to be completed as soon as the accident has been dealt with.
Treatment, including resources used, is to be recorded on the sheet.

DK CONCRETE – Floors, Driveways, Footpaths, Patios etc. Daniel Kircher, Ph 021 066 8356,

HALLIWELL’S of Pukekohe – Stockists of Fine Quality Leather Shoes, 81 King St Pukekohe, Ph 2387686

PUKEKOHE TRAVEL – Locally owned and operated since 1978. Contact Eve Murphy, 89 King St Pukekohe, Ph 09-237 0013,


Vicar: The Rev’d Jan Wallace 238-7723 Home 238-7228 Office 0274-521-366 Mob
Chairperson Jan Wallace
Treasurer and acting Vestry secretary Karen Stevens
Wardens Pauline Brown 021-1823703 Glenis Kerr 238 5136
Synod Reps Vicky Mee
Vestry members Jocelyn Brodie, Renton Brown, Richard Gibbons, Maggie Gibson, Helen Halliwell, Julie Perelini, Philip Watson
Buckland Reps Jim Moore, Vicky Mee
Parish Ministry Team
Vestry Wardens Pauline Brown and Glenis Kerr Family Gael Crimmins Communications Cecily Daroux
Community Vicky Mee Sustainability Pauline Brown Worship Rev Jan Wallace, Ann Rollinson, Glenis Kerr.
Pastoral Care Rev Jan Wallace, Rev Merlene Walker
Treasurer Karen Stevens
Central Vestry Trust Board Treasurer Ros Phillips
Parish Recorder Keith Gardner (Parish Envelope Scheme)
Parish Administrator Judith Tucker
Office Hours Monday to Thursday, 9am ~ 2pm
Address 31 – 37 Queen St, PO Box 338, Pukekohe
Phone 09-238-7228
Email address
Op Shop 9am ~ 12 noon on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays

Community Programmes at Pukekohe Anglican Church

Space for you and baby
For the first year of baby’s life. A number of groups are run each week to keep the age range of the babies within about 3 months. Term time only.

The Selwyn Foundation
For the older members of the community. A hot lunch is available for a small charge. Transport can also be arranged. Tuesday 9.30am

Oasis Music & Coffee group
A natural progression from Space for preschool children. Mon & Fri 9.15am ~11am. Term time only

St Andrew’s Seniors fellowship group
For older members of the community – exercise, morning tea and cards. 9.15 am Thursdays

An after-school group heldat 4pm on Thursdays for children who have experienced a significant loss or grief in their lives. An adult programme runs at various times. Phone 0274521366 for information


Mothers’ Union: Meetings will resume in April.

Sunday 13th March: Trip to Miranda to watch the migration of the birds.
Sunday 20th March: Parish AGM, including the election of our Lay Synod representatives, our People’s Warden and members of the Vestry.
Thursday 17th March: Fellowship – All welcome
10am Short communion service. This will be followed by a time to catch up and share with each other in a safe space. All are welcome to join us.
Saturday 30th April – Garage Sale: Last weekend of the school holidays so setting up can be done in the week leading up to the event. This is an additional sale this year. We have some good-quality large items.
Sunday 1st May: Confirmation Service. Please let Jan know if you are considering confirmation.
The anticipated launch of our funding appeal for the restoration of St Andrews Is planned for early May. Further information on this, hopefully, at our AGM.

St Andrew’s Restoration Fundraising Dinner at Pukekohe Town Hall will now be held in November

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